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Critical incidents

This section offers critical incidents that emerged through my practice across the PaR settings. 


Broadly, critical incidents are ‘revelatory or significant moments’ (Keatinge, 2002, p.34) in practice that highlight deviations (either positive or negative) from what is ‘normal’ or ‘expected’ (Edvardsson, 1992). “[…] like all data, critical incidents are created. Incidents happen, but critical incidents are produced by the way we look at a situation […]” (Tripp, 2011, p.8). The critical incidents that I include in this study, mostly emerged as I did something that I did not expect to in practice, or through concern about doing the ‘right’ thing in my role as facilitator in a particular situation. 


Here, I present critical incidents that developed as pivotal because they unearthed or connected to persistent troublings (Hughes & Lury, 2013) in my practice alongside sparking significant critical reflection. They are grouped into two themes:


  1. Voice, visibility and vulnerability

  2. Collaboration: approaches to co-creating music


In becoming a band, several critical incidents presented from the PaR setting, The Radical Luddites. Subsequently these are presented within a case study format.


Voice, Visibility
approaches to co-creating music
Becoming a band:
The Radical Luddites




Edvardsson, B. (1992). Service breakdowns: A study of critical incidents in an airline. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 3(4), 17–29.


Hughes, C., & Lury, C. (2013). Re-turning feminist methodologies: from a social to an ecological epistemology. Gender and Education, 25(6), 786–799.


Keatinge, D. (2002). Versatility and flexibility: Attributes of the Critical Incident Technique in nursing research. Nursing and Health Sciences, 4(1-2), 3–39.


Tripp, D. (2011). Critical Incidents in Teaching. Developing Professional Judgement. Routledge.



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